Facebook is working on a clever ride-sharing feature for your Events page.

A recent patent application from Facebook suggests that the social networking giant has interesting plans in store for its Events page. The patent filing specifically details how the site’s Events page could also double as a ride sharing center where Facebook users attending the same event would be able to connect and share rides together.
While the current incarnation of Facebook’s Events page provide users with three basic response options – Going, Not Going, and Interested – the patent application adds two noteworthy sub-listings to the ‘Going’ selection: ‘Going and driving’ and ‘Going but not driving.’
facebook ridesharing

In turn, users will be able to see which of their friends are driving to an event and whether or not they have room for others. All in all, this is a pretty clever way for Facebook to make its Events page a bit more useful and, dare we say, increase user engagement on the site.
fb events sharing

And of course, with Facebook already knowing so much about you, the patent suggests that it could pair up riders based on common interests like music and even based on shared Alma maters.
Underscoring the degree to which Facebook has thought this out, the patent also explains that users who happen to be driving to an event could be provided with precise driving instructions so that they can efficiently pick-up their passengers on the way.
fb driver route

While a patent app doesn’t mean the company will actually implement the feature, this makes a lot of sense for Facebook. Using the Events pages as a primary interface could allow the folks in Melo Park to include ride sharing and carpooling relatively easily. For now, though, you’ll have to rely on hailing an Uber through Messenger.
While some patent applications often seem half-baked or impractical, this is neither. In fact, the sooner Facebook can roll out this type of functionality the better.



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